Monday, May 11, 2009

What can i have in my fish aqaurium and what cant i?

I want multiple types of fish. Im going to have a 40 gallon tank. Im going to want starfish, blennies, gobys, dwarf angelfish, lionfish radiata, seahorses, anemones, clown fish, anthias, and thats about it. What can and cant I mix in my tank?

What can i have in my fish aqaurium and what cant i?
I would ask at the pet shop. They will know.
Reply:in a 40g, you can have the starfish, one blenny, one goby, one dwarf angel, one anthias, and a mated pair of clownfish (a pair of clarkis will go in a long tentacle anemone, tomato will go with bubbletip). the lionfish will eat anything smaller than itself, and seahorses are very slow, difficult to care for, and really tall so they need tall tanks. they need groups and species-tanks (seahorses, pipefish, and mandarin dragonets, all very difficult species). along with the blenny, goby, etc you can have a firefish, some hermits, a jawfish, some snails, and a psuedochromis, along with live rock. but no lionfish unless you want only one fish in the tank. none of those fish are compatible with each other except clownfish in mated pairs, lions with 25g+ per fish, and seahorses.
Reply:lol a little bit of fish...(jk) if your starting your first tank i would suggust you just start with clowns because they are easy to take care of . alot of the fish on that list would be clasified as extra advanced (3 years + experiance) anemones would do good with the clowns. dont trust pet store people some times they just try to make a sale. go to the store look at some of the fish take names and then search as much as you can. if you are experienced then all i would check is if the fish are reef friendly other wise the fish may eat you reefs. also make sure you have every thing resurched the mistake most noobs make is not enough research so i suggest that you have every thing ready and you make wish to keep fresh water fish first because they normally live longer and are easier to care for yet you can still get the principales of salt water keeping.
Reply:you should google each fish and read what they need....

way to much to list!!!!

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